How do I recycle?
All homeowners can participate in the citywide "B.C. Waste Free" curbside recycling program. Each home will be provided with a 65-gallon, wheeled recycling bin (upon request, 32-gallon bins will be made available to those for whom the 65-gallon bin is too large).
Place ALL recyclable materials (see "What can I recycle?" for details) in the bin and wheel it to the curb any time after 6:00 p.m. the night before your scheduled recycling collection day and no later than 6:00 a.m. the morning of.
For those residences requiring additional recycling bins, please email your inquiries to or visit to send the request and the additional cart will be delivered to you. Due to the popularity of the program phone calls may not be answered immediately, but requests can also be made by calling 702-293-2276.
What can I recycle?
Participants can recycle a long list of items and you don’t need to sort anything! Items that CAN be recycled include:
- Newspaper
- Magazines
- Junk Mail
- Phone Books
- Cereal Boxes
- Tissue Boxes
- Milk Cartons
- Paperboard Boxes
- Frozen Food Boxes
- Juice Boxes
- Recycling guide outlining the list of recyclables.
- All Hard Plastic Containers
- Plastic Jugs
- Bottles with or without caps
- All plastics #1-#7 are accepted
- Recycling guide outlining the list of recyclables.
- Aluminum Cans
- Metal Cans
- Small Metal Appliances
- Empty Aerosol Cans (no hazardous chemicals or paint, please.)
- Recycling guide outlining the list of recyclables.
- Glass Bottles and Jars
- Food Grade Glass Containers
- Recycling guide outlining the list of recyclables.
Is there anything in particular I should not place in a recycling bin?
Food Waste, yard waste, waxed cups and Styrofoam are excluded from the program. Also, recyclable items contaminated with food should be treated as trash.
- Food Waste
- Yard Waste
- Drywall
- Tile
- Carpet
- Wood
- Clothes
- Styrofoam
- Light Bulbs
- Aluminum Foil
- Plastic Wrap
- Waxed Cups
What should I do with chemicals or other household hazardous waste?
Up to two gallons of motor oil can be left curbside in leak-proof containers (such as plastic milk jugs or glass jars with tight-fitting lids). Please call 293-2276 or email us at to schedule the pick-up.
Following is a list of specific items to be considered as household hazardous waste. These items need to be dropped off at the landfill during business hours:
- Paint
- Pesticides
- Oven Cleaners
- Pool Chemicals
- Other Chemicals
- Solvents
- Aerosol cans with leftover paint, pesticides or oven cleaner
Are there other ways to get involved?
- You can spread the word about the B.C. Waste Free no-sort recycling campaign to your friends, family, neighbors, or social organizations.
- Arrange for a multi-media presentation from B.C. Waste Free to your organization. The request can be made at
- Become a fan of B.C. Waste Free’s Facebook page and ask your friends and family to become fans as well.
- Follow B.C. Waste Free on Twitter and keep your friends, family and neighbors informed of important program updates.
- Report any irregularities or missed pick-ups via
- Elect a “Recycle Cop” in your Social Organization to remind “offenders” to recycle at your events.
- Be a conscientious consumer. Before you buy anything, consider whether it can be recycled in this program.
What Holidays are observed and what happens on those days?
On the following holidays, there will be no trash/recycling pick-up. Pick-ups will resume on the next regularly scheduled pick-up day and there will be no "make-up" days.
- Christmas Day
- New Year’s Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Fourth of July
Can I get paid for my recyclables?
Yes. The landfill’s Recycling Buy-back Center is open Monday thru Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The following items will be purchased from Boulder City residents at market rate:
- Aluminum Cans
- Plastics #1 & #2
- Cardboard
- Mixed Paper
- Newspapers
- Telephone Books
When is my recycling collection day?
Recycling collection varies based on location, refer to the Pick-Up Schedule to determine your recycling collection day. Recycling collection occurs weekly.
Is no-sort recycling available if I reside in an apartment, condo complex, or mobile home park?
YES! Residents living in multi-family complexes, and mobile home park residents, can participate in the "B.C. Waste Free" no-sort recycling program. Every participating complex will be supplied with containers clearly marked for no-sort recycling.
I reside in an apartment, condo complex, or mobile home park. How do I participate in the no-sort program?
Please contact your HOA to learn where your container is located. If your complex or park has no Association, please call us at 702-293-2276 or email us your concerns at to get all the details.
Does it really matter if I toss a non-recyclable item in the container?
Yes! When people throw food or other garbage in the recycling bin, it can contaminate an entire truckload of recyclables, forcing the entire load to be deposited into the landfill.
How does recycling benefit me?
Boulder City owns and operates its own landfill on City property. Diverting recyclables away from the landfill saves money for everyone. One person really can make a difference. By recycling, and filling the bin with all the right material, you are making a positive impact on the community and preserving the environment.
Why should I recycle?
Nearly 75% of what we throw away can be recycled. Recycling helps conserve landfill space while preserving natural resources. Reuse and recycling is the easiest and cheapest way for people to go green.
What are some tips to make recycling easier?
No-sort recycling is so easy and convenient. Getting in the habit of maximizing your participation just takes a slight adjustment to daily habits.
- Make sure all recyclables are loose in the bin. Please do not bag them.
- Keep a smaller recycling container or bin in the kitchen pantry or by a trash container to make recycling convenient. Once the smaller bin is full, simply dump it into your larger recycling container.
- Keep a small grocery bag in your car to bring in recyclables such as cans and water bottles so they don’t get trashed.
- Set out a recycling container in high-traffic areas at parties to encourage guests to participate—and make your clean-up easier!
What happens after my recyclables are collected?
When recyclables are picked up they go to a Material Recovery Facility in Las Vegas. There they are sorted by material through the use of high technology processing equipment that has thoroughly evolved over the years. They are prepared for markets and shipped to various paper mills and plastic, glass or aluminum plants around the region.
Fluorescent Light Bulbs accepted at the Recycling Center
Boulder City residents may bring in household fluorescent light bulbs for recycling free of charge. Commercial bulbs are accepted for $1.00 per bulb to cover proper packaging and shipping to a certified bulb recycler. All fluorescent bulbs must be brought in during Landfill Office hours to ensure they are properly handled prior to shipping.
Ask us a Question
We are happy to answer any environment related questions.